17 weeks | baby #2

Welp, here's my first bump update for this baby! It was a very exciting week because we found out this little one's gender!! 

How Far Along? 17 weeks today (this pregnancy is going crazy fast... almost halfway done!)

Gender? BOY!!! We were going to wait to find out until 20 weeks, but I just couldn't do it anymore! I went in for the ultrasound on Wednesday with my mom and Finley and I seriously teared up when the nurse told me that I had a son. Ahh! Now we have one of each! We are so, so, so thrilled. 

Baby Size? Size of a pomegranate (about 5 inches long)

Movement? I just feel little twitches throughout my stomach every once in a while. No major movement yet. 

Maternity Clothes? Nope not yet! Surprisingly, I can still fit into my regular jeans even though I feel like I started showing at like... 8 weeks. Things are definitely starting to feel a little tight though, so it won't be too long before I need to pull out some of my maternity things. 

Sleep? I definitely need my afternoon naps. When I was pregnant with Finley I would sleep in super late everyday, but now that I have to get up early those afternoon naps are an absolutely necessity. I get sooooo tired. 

Best Moments? Finding out we are having a little baby boy!! I love this little dude soooo much already! 

Missing Anything? Being able to eat things without having to worry about acid reflux. 

Food Cravings? Throughout the whole first trimester it was Asiago bagels. But ever since I hit the second trimester my cravings have completely gone away... for now :) 

Queasy or Sick? Pregnancy wise? Doing good. But man, have I had the worst cold ever!! I've been sick on and off for the past month and a half and I am just so done. Next time we have a baby, I refuse to be pregnant at all during the winter. My pregnant immune system cannot handle cold and flu season.

Symptoms? Acid reflux, cramps, pelvic girdle pain

Happy or Moody? Happy this week!!

Looking Forward To? The anatomy ultrasound at 20 weeks!

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