love story

It was the beginning of the spring semester of 2013 at BYU-Idaho and I just knew that I was going to meet my husband that summer. I was ready. I decided as soon as I got to Rexburg that I was just going to be crazy confident and say yes to absolutely everything because if there is one thing my mom taught me it's that you'll never meet your husband sitting in bed with no make-up on watching Netflix day in and day out. 

So the first weekend before school actually started I became friends with a new roommate of mine named Molly. We hit it off right away and she started introducing me to an apartment of guys who lived across the street from us that she was friends with. I met all of the guys except one over the course of one Saturday afternoon and had a blast with them--despite going off to fly a kite with one of them in the middle of a thunderstorm... That evening I was hanging out with my roommate Sierra, when Molly came into our room to tell us that her friend and the last of the merry band of guys, Zach, had come over and wanted to meet us.

We came out to say hi and the first thing that came to my mind to say was, "So is it Zack or is it Zach?" and he was immediately offended haha. I remember thinking he was a funny kind of guy. He introduced himself as "Zathans" and was wearing A Christmas Story t-shirt and bright yellow Crocs. This combined with the fact that he kept going on and on about how we was going to ask a girl to be his girlfriend the next day made my mind place him neatly into the friend zone. We did have an instant connection though, bonding over How I Met Your Mother and Star Wars and I was super comfortable with him as if we had been friends for years.

Over the next couple of days, I developed a bit of a crush on one of his roommates, even setting up a faux double date with me, Molly, him, and another one of their roommates. That "date" honestly went awful and I quickly realized that that guy was just not the one for me.

Meanwhile, Zach never ended up asking that girl to be his girlfriend. The day after we met, he started getting a bad feeling about dating her and even went to the temple about it. He didn't know why it felt wrong, but he knew that it just wasn't right to keep pursuing her (we all know now why it felt wrong!).

We saw each other a few times over the course of that week and continued to have fun together and get along really well. At some point we got each other's numbers and eventually started texting (after I had gotten over his roommate and he had gotten over that other girl). The texting led to flirting and the flirting led to setting up plans for him to come over after church on Sunday.

So we hung out all afternoon playing video games, card games, talking, etc. He even read out his entire talk to me that he had given that day and I made fun of him for stealing so many lines from Elder Bednar (ex. "I pray that the Holy Spirit will be with me as I speak to you today..."). We ended up watching a movie (of course) and during the movie we had our first kiss.

We spent as much time together as we could over the next two days, but then it was my turn to have weird feelings about a relationship because I started to doubt how much I liked him. I guess there were some things that I just wasn't sure about yet and I decided to break things off. Zach was sad, but understood. And so began some of the worst days of my life. For three days I felt absolutely horrible. I was depressed, lonely, and totally regretting the break up. I think those three days were really important for me. They helped me to realize just how much I actually did like Zach and that I really did want to be with him. I just hoped it wasn't too late.

That Friday, I sent him a text telling him that I had made a mistake and that I wanted to see him again. It was funny because the girl he had broken things off with texted him the same day and wanted to talk to him too. Thankfully, he still didn't feel right about that girl and was still interested in me. (Sorry other girl!) After we talked, we decided to start over and from then on, everything was even better than it had been before. A few days later, Zach officially asked me to be his girlfriend.

Over the next couple weeks, we started making jokes about the possibility of us getting married. We were very logical haha. We knew that we were either going to break up at some point or get married. And seeing as we both really liked each other, and both felt like we were ready, we knew that there was a real likelihood that we could get married. We started playing the "hypothetically, if someday in the distant future, we somehow ended up married..." game, which we made the mistake of telling my best friend and her husband about. They said, "Yeah haha we said the same thing! Then one day it stopped being hypothetical!"

That night Zach and I were talking and then Zach said, "Isn't it going to be funny when it stops being hypothetical?" And then it was never hypothetical again. We knew were probably going to get married.

About a month and a half later, I walked out of my apartment to meet Zach for a date and on the ground I found a trail of notecards each one explaining a reason why Zach loved me. At the end of the trail was Zach dressed in a suit and his roommates (who were filming and taking pictures). He then said "I have three questions for you. One: Will you be the Lois Lane to my Superman?" I laughed and said yes. "Can I be the Aragorn to your Arwen?" I rolled my eyes and said yes. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and I of course said yes! Haha it was the cheesiest way to ask someone to marry you, but it was absolutely perfect for us and describes our relationship to a tee.

Two and a half months later we were married in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple. Three years and one baby later, we are still as happy as ever. Some people may think we rushed into our marriage, but to each their own, I say! I have never once regretted marrying my Zachary and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for bringing this man into my life. I am a better person because of him. 

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