Baby #2

That's right! The Athans are having another baby due July 20th!

Back in early October I got this overwhelming feeling that it was time for us to have another baby, which was crazy because for the longest time I hadn't really been that excited about getting pregnant again. Don't get me wrong! I love Finley soooo much and we always, always planned on having more children. But I just wanted to enjoy having one kid for a while and to not be in a rush to have another one. 

We were planning on waiting until this coming summer to start trying again, but that one day I was sitting in Finley's room watching her play with her toys and all of a sudden it just hit me! It was time. I talked to Zach and after some praying we both felt good about it so I went off the pill and a month later I was pregnant! I guess there was a little spirit up there just itching to come down and join our family.

I found out on November 9th and it was soooooo hard not to tell any family at Thanksgiving! My first ultrasound should have been in early December, but due to insurance stuff I wasn't able to get an appointment until January. Around mid December when I was about 9 weeks I couldn't keep the secret anymore and we told our parents. They were all shocked because they knew we weren't planning on trying for a while. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on my mom's face! Haha. We told my siblings the first week of January because we were all together for a family reunion in Florida. It was fun to see all their reactions in person. It was hard though because I still hadn't gone to the doctor yet and I didn't know if the baby was alive and okay.

Finally on January 8th, I had my first appointment and when they put the ultrasound stick on my belly there was the baby! It's heart was beating nicely and it was jumping all over the place. It finally felt real! 

Sickness-wise I've been feeling good on and off. There were a few weeks in December when I could barely get off the couch and then things have kind of flared up again this week. But overall, I think I feel better than I did with Finley. Maybe that means it's a boy? Who knows! We're not going to find out until early March. 

So yeah! I'm almost 14 weeks now and officially in the second trimester! Man, this pregnancy is flying by already. I've heard that your second pregnancy goes by a lot faster than your first and boy is that true so far! I feel like because of Finley I barely even have time to think about being pregnant. And I know that the weeks are going to continue to fly by too because we have lots of family visiting over the next few months! 

Overall though we are so, so excited to have another baby. Finley definitely does not understand that she is going to have a sibling, but we already know she is going to be the best big sister. We're excited to watch our family grow again. 

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