Finley | Twenty-Four Months

My little Finley is all grown up! Every day she becomes even more entertaining. She is my best little friend! Terrible twos have definitely arrived. We hear the word "no" constantly allllll day long! She certainly knows how to tell us what she wants. She's become much more defiant too and refuses to do what we ask her a lot. Definitely going through some parenting boot camp right now! Toddlers are hard! But as much as we tell her "Don't do that!" we are laughing at all the cute silly things she does every day. She is sooo smart and is learning so much. Still can't believe we have a two year old!

Weight: 25 lbs 14 oz (39th percentile)

Height: 34 1/4 inches (70th percentile)

Hair: Finley's hair has been growing, growing, growing the past few months! And it is curly! I never thought I'd have a little girl with curly hair, but it is so cute and fun! I love being about to do different hairstyles on her and laugh all the time at how crazy it gets. Sometimes it looks like a real 'fro! 

Teeth: She has finally caught up with teething. I swear she got half her teeth all in the past four months! She just barely had her last canine poke through a few weeks ago.

Eating: Most of the time Finley isn't too picky. But every once in a while she just says no to everything we give her! It's so frustrating! I can usually get her to eat something if I give her a regular adult fork/spoon and a real bowl or plate instead of plastic. She just wants to act like an adult! Her favorite foods these days are any kind of sauce (she loves dipping things or just eating straight sauce!), apples, yogurt, oatmeal, fruit snacks, Caesar salad, taquitos, mac n' cheese, and peanut butter.

Sleeping: Finley has gone through a major sleep regression. She does not like taking naps anymore. She cries and cries and cries and won't nap unless cuddled up to me on the couch! She's usually better at bedtime and only once in a while cries when we put her down at night, but it just throws me for a loop when she won't sleep because she's always been such a great sleeper! I don't even know how to handle it! Haha. Praying that we can get things back to normal soon! 

Talking: Talking explosion!! Finley all of a sudden started learning all sorts of new words just in the past month! The main words she says all the time are No, Want, Mine (do you sense a pattern??), Hi, Bye, Beebee (binky), Kah (Wonka), Uh oh, Whoa, and Go. 

Likes: She loves make-up and knows exactly where to put each product on her face! She also continues to love watching musicals and classic movies, but has also developed a love for a few kids shows like Barney, Daniel Tiger, and Sofia the First. She loves being at Grandma's house and particularly loves her Uncle Jordan. And she also loves pulling a chair over to the kitchen and playing with all of the big wooden spoons. She's a great helper ;)

Dislikes: Now that Finley is learning to communicate she hates when we don't understand what she's saying. And she's become much more stubborn and wants what she wants. But we still love her!

1 comment:

  1. Man, I didn't realize you still blogged. My email stops notifying me. So I'm catching up on all things Athans. It's fun hearing about Finley at this stage. She is a cutie!
