finley | twelve months

How did we get to this point?!? We have a one year old? What?!? Crazy. Pure craziness.

It's funny because this whole past year I've said things like "she's growing up so fast!" or "she'll be in kindergarten before we know it!" and all of those things have been true, but I never said those things with a feeling of sadness behind it. It was more of a "wow, I can't believe how big she's gotten" feeling. 

But the sadness has definitely started to kick in the past few weeks and I really miss my tiny little newborn Finley. I miss breastfeeding in the middle of the night and I miss how fragile and fresh and new she was. They were definitely some of the hardest months of my life, but I would do them over again in a heartbeat.

Sadly, I'll never get those newborn days back with Miss Finners, but that's okay. Because she is just one big great ball of fun these days! She is so giggly and smiley and cute all the time and she brings us so much joy. She is totally our little puppy dog right now--she follows us around everywhere and is always begging for food. She is such a good baby and makes everyday so much better. We can't imagine life without this little one. 

Weight: Finley had her 12 month appointment this week and she weighed 19 lbs. 7.5 oz! That puts her at about the 40th percentile for weight. 

Height: Currently about 29 inches tall, which is at the 50th percentile for height. 

Hair: Still not much. She's got a lot on the top and it's growing more in the back, but she's still pretty bald on the sides. Since she hates wearing any type of headband now, we've been getting a lot of people thinking she is a boy lately. Oh well!

Eating: She still does great with her bottles and we are now in the process of switching her from formula to whole milk (woot! woot!). She is a great eater for the most part, but can be a little picky with some things. Her favorite foods right now are avocado, banana, sweet potato, peas, bread, and yogurt. 

Sleeping: Still sleeping great! We really haven't had any sleep issues since she was about 5 months old. Such a huge blessing. Thank you, sleep training! She sleeps through the night great and does pretty well for her naps too.

Talking: Not really saying many words just yet. She will say mama and dada, but only when she wants to haha. She rarely does it on command. Any tips for teaching your baby some simple words?

Likes: I swear Finley is going to be a little gymnast someday what with her small size combined with her love of tumbling around and being thrown upside down. She loves it when daddy throws her in the air and swings her around. She also loves dancing with mommy and daddy. It's the easiest way to make her smile and be happy when she's been crying or fussy. She also loves watching the church's "I Am a Child of God" video on YouTube. She could watch that over and over again for hours. 

Dislikes: Finley is a pretty easy going baby. The only things she really doesn't like is if we take something away that she's been playing with or when we try to put her to sleep when she doesn't want to. 

Milestones: First birthday(!), can walk around along the furniture, knows how to get off the couch all by herself without hurting herself, and now has three teeth!

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