two years

This sunday, August 30th, will be our second wedding anniversary and since we're currently on baby watch and could potentially be very busy and distracted with our little one this sunday, I thought I'd take the opportunity now to do a little post dedicated to this special day of ours! 

I've always kicked myself that I never took the time on our honeymoon to write down in a journal my thoughts about our wedding. So better late than never right? I remember the week leading up to the wedding was very busy and so much fun. I received my endowments in the Rexburg Temple the saturday beforehand and was very blessed to have some friends and family there to support me as I made that big step. I also met Zach's parents for the very first time that weekend and enjoyed getting to know them better as I prepared to become the newest member of their family! I drove down to Utah on the tuesday before the wedding and then on wednesday, my sister, Vanessa, threw me a beautiful bridal shower at Thanksgiving Point. So many people came and showered us with much needed gifts for our new home. The next day, my friends Karly and Sierra threw me a mini bachelorette party in downtown Salt Lake at the cutest little French patisserie (we need to go back there next time I'm in Utah, you guys!!) and then later that night both Zach's and my families got together at Zach's aunt and uncle's house for a big celebratory dinner. I met so many of Zach's relatives that night and I really started to fall in love with my new family. 

Then it was finally friday, our wedding day. I remember waking up really early and not being able to fall back asleep. I mean... it was my wedding day! The day I'd looked forward to my entire life!! My parents had been so amazing to give me my very own hotel room the night before, so I got up and started getting my hair and make-up done with lots of music playing. I was so excited, but also so nervous. I wasn't nervous to marry Zach at all. I knew I was making the right decision. I was just so nervous to have all eyes on me for the entire day! I'm a pretty big introvert and generally hate being center of attention. 

Once I was all ready to go and looking my best, my parents and I headed to the Salt Lake Temple. We arrived and I immediately found Zach in the waiting room. We just looked at each other with big grins on our faces, ready to start our life together. I was led to the dressing room where I first saw my bouquet sitting there waiting for me and then my mom helped me get into my dress. There were lots of other brides getting ready as well and I remember multiple girls telling me they loved my dress and that I looked beautiful. That made me feel really good, especially coming from other brides who you'd think would be completely focused on themselves on their wedding day! 

With my dress now on, I was led back to Zach and we were told to sit and wait in the celestial room together. It was so beautiful. I remember just sitting there together looking at all the beautiful architecture and talking quietly together about how excited we were to start our life--our eternity!-- together. But then... we started to get pretty impatient haha. I'm not sure exactly how long we were in the celestial room, but it really felt like forever! And afterwards, everyone said they were waiting in the sealing room forever too, so it wasn't just us! I don't know what was going on, but finally after probably 30-40 minutes we were led into the sealing room. 

I really don't remember much from our sealing. I just remember seeing all the smiling faces of our friends and family members and feeling the spirit very strongly. I did my very best not to cry and ruin all of my make-up, which was very hard to do because Zach was a basket case! Haha he cried through the whole thing! I couldn't even look at him at all because I knew I would start crying too if I did! But afterwards as each of our guests gave us hugs and congratulations, and as I looked up at Zach, my new husband, I felt an overwhelming feeling of peace and calm. I was so happy to have married my Zachary for time and all eternity. 

The rest of the day was really a blur filled with lots of hugs, lots of picture taking, and lots and lots of smiling and laughing. Some highlights I remember: Zach tripping on my dress as we made our big exit outside the temple (haha that was embarrassing..), barely eating our Burger King my brother brought us for lunch, super sore feet, lots of group photos, our beautiful reception at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, having to work really hard to get everyone to pay attention to us when we cut the cake, and waiting a long time in the car as Zach's mom gave him a really long good-bye as we left the reception haha. There were definitely things that could have gone better. But ultimately it was the perfect day for us. Because that's how Zach's and my relationship is--perfectly imperfect. And we always find the humor in things when everything seems to go wrong. 

So now it's two years later and here we are, living in Austin, Texas about to have our firstborn child. It's crazy how much life can change in such a short amount of time. But these past two years with Zach have been the most wonderful two years I could have ever imagined. Zach is my rock. He is my best friend in the whole world. He is the most amazing example to me. He is there for me through all my ups and downs. He is the biggest blessing in my life. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. I can't wait to see what the next year brings us as we start our new journey of parenthood together. 

Happy Two Years, Zachary!!! I love you more and more everyday!

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