the last bump update

Well, this is it folks. My very last bump update for this pregnancy! At my last appointment I scheduled my inducement for the 2nd of September! One week from today! We are so excited and ready to finally meet our little girl.

I can't believe we've made it this far. It seriously feels like only yesterday that Zach and I snuck out to Walgreens at Christmastime where I took my first positive pregnancy test. And now, here we are, thirty something weeks later, about to meet our daughter! It feels so surreal that literally at any moment now I could go into labor and then we'll soon become parents!! Now that we've got everything ready to go--our hospital bags are packed, the nursery is all set up, her clothes have been washed, and a million other little things have been checked off the list--it's soooo hard to just sit and play the waiting game! But we're doing our best to just enjoy the little time we have left as just the two of us--as just Zach and Katie--before we become a family of three and everything changes forever.

I'm so grateful for my pregnancy and for everything I've learned the past nine months. It's definitely not always been easy, but through all the stressful and uncomfortable moments I've become a much stronger, more confident person. I've learned so much about myself and what I'm capable of. And I can honestly say I am a happier, better person now than I was when this journey began. I have been so blessed. And I know I wouldn't have been able to get through it all without the help of supportive friends, family members, my amazing (and always patient with me) husband, Zach, and of course my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know the Lord has been with me every step of the way, guiding me and teaching me. And now I just can't wait to see what more the Lord has in store for me as I become a mother. I know that if we just put our trust in Him, he will help us to become so much more than we ever thought we could be. I'm just so grateful that my Heavenly Father has allowed Zach and I to be parents to one of His precious spirit daughters.

Wish us luck!

How Far Along? 38 weeks

Countdown? SEVEN DAYS!!!

Gender? Baby Girl Finley 

Baby Size? At my ultrasound last week they measured her one last time and she was at 5 lbs. 12 oz. She gained a whole pound in just two weeks! My doctors were shocked because she's been growing so slowly throughout the whole pregnancy! We might have a 7 pound baby on our hands which is amazing since she's been so small!

Movement? Yes. All the time! The little pokes have turned into big jabs! 

Maternity Clothes? Yep. I'm SO excited to wear normal clothes again :)

Sleep? I still sleep pretty good, but I wake up really early every morning. I've been forcing myself to sleep in as much as I can! 

Best Moments? Getting checked and finding out I'm already dilated one centimeter (!!!), scheduling my inducement date, and my parents coming to Austin last Friday to spend the day with us! It was a complete surprise and we had so much fun! 

Missing Anything? Just miss having a normal sized belly haha. I'm ready for this beach ball to deflate.

Food Cravings? Chick-Fil-A peach milkshakes... :) 

Queasy or Sick? A little bit here and there. Since going off Whole 30 my heartburn and acid reflux have come back occasionally. 

Symptoms? Braxton Hicks, TONS of cramping and sharp pains, some spotting, back pain, hot flashes, etc., etc.

Happy or Moody? Happy! And excited!!

Looking Forward To? Umm... delivering and meeting my baby!!!


  1. AHHHHHHH!!! So excited it hurts!!! You guys are going to be the best parents ever!!!! And I. Can't. Wait. For. Finley!!!!!!!!!!

  2. So excited for you Katie! You documented this pregnancy so beautifully. She (and YOU) will be so happy you did this! I love the pics too. You just have the cutest blog!
