whole 30

I think I first heard about the Whole 30 program about a year and a half ago when a friend of mine started posting about it on facebook. At first, I thought it sounded completely insane!! No grains, dairy, or sugar for 30 days straight?!?! Blasphemy. But as I continued to research the program and read the stories of so many people who have successfully completed a Whole 30, I became interested in finding out what this program could do for me. 

Here's what sold me:

- It's only 30 days of my life. In the grand scheme of things, it's really not that long! 

- The consensus seems to be that doing a Whole 30 makes you feel super great! Who doesn't want that?

- I'm a complete carb and sugar addict so I would LOVE to finally get a handle on that!

- I'm really interested to see what cutting out dairy will do for me since I've had a sneaking suspicion for the past few years that I've started to develop lactose intolerance. 

- I love that there are no cheat days involved. Every diet program I've ever done that involves cheat days has always been an epic failure!! (cheat day = the end of every diet)

- There are so many great recipe ideas out there so I don't get stuck eating the same old thing everyday!

This list could honestly go on and on. I've been really excited about doing this for a really long time, but for some reason I'd told myself I couldn't do it until after the baby comes. But a few weeks ago when Zach was telling me how disappointed he was with his weight, I decided we were done waiting and that NOW, being 7 months pregnant, is as good a time as any to do this!!

I feel really confident and motivated! We've been trying out a few completely Whole 30 dinners and have been trying to eat Whole 30 approved foods for breakfasts and snacks just to ease ourselves into it a bit. I really feel like it will be something that both Zach and I can accomplish. And I'm hoping it will help me keep my baby weight gain under control during these last couple months and I'm sure it'll be really good for baby girl too! 

So this Monday is the day we're starting this Whole 30 journey!! I'll be doing weekly updates on our progress to hold me accountable haha. And maybe it'll inspire you to do a Whole 30 too!

Wish us luck!!


  1. We kinda sorta did this for one of Mitch's classes (but with pretty regular cheating/failing, eh hem, ice cream runs...) but we actually really liked it! Even our fail version of it got us into a habit of just eating way more fruits & veggies!! Maybe I'll copy you guys & actually dive in & go for it!! I feel inspired!
