baby girl update // 2

photo by Nicole Pace Photography

So amidst all of the craziness surrounding our move, we also had another thing on our minds causing a bit of stress. 

On July 2nd, I had a doctor's appointment where I had yet another ultrasound to check that baby girl is growing adequately. It had been about six weeks since her last ultrasound where she had been in the 16th percentile for weight at 1 lb. 4 oz. This time around she had dropped to the 10th percentile weighing 2 lb. 15 oz. My doctor explained to me that their usual cut off for normal or average growth is the 11th percentile and because our girl has SUA (Single Umbilical Artery), she was concerned. 

So she told me I needed to go back to the specialist every other week (who I thought I had been done with) so they could look at her more closely and double, triple check that nothing was keeping her from getting the nutrients she needs. Meanwhile I would continue to have ultrasounds every other week with my normal doctor as well. That means I'll be having ultrasounds every week the rest of my pregnancy. My doctor also explained that if baby continued to struggle to gain weight, I would have to deliver at 37 or 38 weeks instead of 39 weeks, which is what we were planning on previously. Plus, she was still breech, so we also had a conversation about me potentially having a C-section. So yeah. Lots of stressful things.

So the following Wednesday, I had an appointment with the specialist where once again they did an ultrasound and measured her really closely. They particularly paid close attention to her umbilical chord to make sure that it was still functioning properly. And man, was this appointment a night and day difference! With the more advanced technology, they were able to take more accurate measurements and she was at 3 lb. 4 oz., bringing her up to the 12th percentile--still small, but out of the danger zone! And the specialist reassured me that our girl is perfectly happy and healthy in there and that there aren't any problems with her apart from just being a petite baby. But she told me, "You're a petite person too, so it's only natural you would have a small baby!" Haha!! I don't think I've ever been called petite in my life! And I was a 9 lb. 10 oz. baby, so I always, always thought I would have big babies! But as long as she's healthy, I'm not complaining haha. Oh, and another great thing about this appointment? Baby girl was no longer breech and was in the perfect position for delivery!! No C-section for me (unless something crazy happens, of course)!!

I had my next appointment with my OB this week and we confirmed that everything was looking good again. And she told me that I'm back to delivering at 39 weeks. Only 6 more weeks away!

So it was definitely a roller coaster of emotions over those couple days, but we're SO glad everything is looking good with our baby now. We're just working hard to get everything ready for her to come to our little home! And praying that we don't get any more bad news for the rest of the pregnancy!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah!! The first half of this post had my heart in my throat!! SO SO SO glad everything is okay and the little lady is growing like a champ!! Can't believe she is almost here!!! I wish I was in Texas so I could make your meals and clean your house and rub your feet! Haha but for real.. We will definitely be keeping you guys in our prayers through this whole time!! Love you Athans to death!!
