what i've learned so far // 20 wks.

Now that I'm officially halfway done with my pregnancy, I thought I'd jot down some things that I've learned in the past 20 weeks--because, boy, have I learned a lot!! In some ways, my pregnancy has been exactly how you would expect it to be, but in others, it's been way different. 

I knew I would probably be sick during the first trimester...but I didn't know how depressing it can be when you've been sick every minute of every day for a month straight :/

I knew my body would probably go through lots of changes...but I didn't know how strong and how smart my body is and how despite me feeling completely confused and unprepared for this sometimes, my body knows exactly what to do and doesn't seem worried at all! I'm totally impressed with my body, guys. 

I knew there would be things to worry about...but I didn't realize how much I would worry about our baby all the time because I love her so much already! I feel like I spend every month between appointments praying over and over again that she will continue to grow healthy and strong. And the relief I feel at appointments when they reassure me that everything is going well is indescribable. 

I knew it would be hard...but I didn't expect there would be days when I would just want to quit. Especially during the first trimester, it all felt a bit too much! And the thought of continuing on for another 5, 6, 7 months killed me. But I learned that all you can do is take it one day at a time and eventually it gets a little easier and the number of months left get smaller and smaller ;)

I knew every pregnancy is different...but I didn't realize how different pregnancies can be! Lots of people will want to give you advice on what you should be doing for your baby and your pregnancy. But when it comes down to it, this is your pregnancy and it is completely unique to you and your child. And you kind of have to learn to go with the flow and just see what works for you personally. And trust that you know what is best for yourself and your baby. 

I knew my relationship with Zach would change...but I didn't expect our relationship to get so much stronger so quickly because of this little human growing inside of me who is half me and half Zach. I feel like we are connected on a whole new level now and I can't imagine spending my life--my eternity! with anyone else. 

I knew it would be a special and exciting time in my life...but I didn't realize how blessed I would feel to have this little girl live and grow inside of me and to have her with me everywhere I go. I cannot express how grateful I am to be having this baby and for how much she has taught me already! And I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing Zach and I to watch over one of His precious spirit children throughout this life.

I've probably only scratched the surface here of all the things I've learned, but these are the things that have stuck out to me the most. I can't wait to see what the rest of my pregnancy has in store for me and for all the learning and growth there is to come! 

Only 20 more weeks to go till she is finally here!!! We can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. This. Totally teared up reading.. It's whatever.. Haha Straight up mom life. I cry ten thousand times more often! But yes. To all of this!
