it's a girl

Baby Girl at 20 Weeks

We had our anatomy ultrasound yesterday where they took a good long look at every part of our little baby's tiny body. And we found out we're having a GIRL!!! We honestly were both in shock because we had totally convinced ourselves that we were having a boy. I'm really not sure why, maybe it's because my parents have 7 granddaughters and only 4 grandsons so far and we wanted to even things out for them...I'm not sure haha. But that's besides the point now because we are for sure having a little girl--and we are THRILLED. I honestly haven't ever been so happy in my life! I think I would have been equally as happy if we were having a boy, but just finally knowing what we're having is so exciting! 

The baby is looking very healthy and happy in there and is growing just fine! Her heart rate was at 143 bpm and she weighs 11 ounces. The only thing that looked a little off was her umbilical cord. Usually an umbilical cord has 2 arteries and 1 vein and it's looking like her's only has one artery. This can sometimes cause some birth defects. I definitely got worried when they were explaining this to us. But because we had genetic testing done in the first trimester and everything came back fine, we were able to rule out any serious problems our baby might have. And because everything about her body is completely normal, they assured us that we most likely have nothing to worry about. But my doctor is having me see a specialist sometime in the next month to take a closer look at baby girl's heart to double and triple check that she doesn't have any heart defects. And we'll be having an ultrasound once a month from now on to make sure she is growing properly since it could potentially make her a little smaller than normal. It's a little nerve-wracking, but I have faith that our girl is a tough cookie and will be just fine! 

We're just so excited and things are starting to feel more and more real and that we're really going to have a baby! I can't wait to start getting all sorts of girly things and setting up a pretty nursery! Such an exciting time. We just can't wait to meet our little girl!

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