sixteen weeks

How Far Along? Exactly 16 weeks

Gender? Only a month till we find out! We keep thinking it's a boy more and more everyday. At this point, I think I would be very surprised if they said it was a girl! 

Baby Size? The size of an avocado! (4.5 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces)

Movement? I have been feeling slight twinges in my lower stomach lately, but that's pretty much it.

Maternity Clothes? Not really yet. I've bought a few things, but they're more for comfort rather than necessity at this point. I can still fit into my jeans!

Sleep? Still takes me a long time to fall asleep at night, but when I'm out, I'm out. (Besides the usual 2 am trips to the bathroom...) I am getting SO tired in the late afternoons though so I think it might be time to give in and start taking some naps. 

Best Moments? Buying some of my first maternity clothes and visiting my parents and brother in Houston last week! It's always nice to get a change of scenery every once in a while.

Missing Anything? Nope.

Food Cravings? It feels like my cravings have really died down now that I'm in the second trimester. But I've gotten a little picky and will occasionally turn down foods that I usually like. 

Queasy or Sick? It's gotten A LOT better. At my last appointment, I was able to get some pills to help with the nausea and they've definitely been working. I usually feel great in the mornings and afternoons, but get a little queasy at night before bed. 

Symptoms? Still have some eczema/acne, but it's starting to clear up a bit now that the weather's getting warmer. And I feel like I'm getting more and more emotional everyday! I'm not usually a big crybaby, but I sure am now!!

Happy or Moody? Both. I'll have a really happy couple of days and then one really moody day! 

Looking Forward To? My appointment this week and Easter/General Conference next week!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited!! Look at your lil baby belly!! You are so cute and glowing!! I can't lie.. I kinda hope you have a little boy! 😄
