twelve weeks

How Far Along?  12 weeks!

Gender?  Too early to tell. We've been saying we want it to be a girl, but deep down I think it's a boy! We'll be thrilled either way :)

Baby size?  The size of a lime! (2.5 inches long and weighs 0.5 ounces)

Movement?  Nope, too early still. But I can feel there's definitely something in there!

Maternity clothes?  Not yet. But I have to change into super baggy comfy pants as soon as I come home!

Sleep?  I sleep pretty good. It's usually hard to find a good position at night, and I have a hard time going back to sleep in the morning, but I sleep through the night just fine! 

Best moments?  Having my second ultrasound and getting to hear the little heartbeat! It was incredible!

Missing anything?  I miss not having constant nausea all day long!! When will it end?!?

Food Cravings?  I feel like it changes all the time! For a while it was lemonade and hamburgers. Then it was cheese. Now it's bagels and cream cheese. It keeps changing about every week haha. 

Queasy or sick?  Yes. It didn't really start until week nine and it's gotten progressively worse since then. It's not terrible, just mild and constant. Bleh.

Symptoms?  Just nausea, some eczema/acne, and occasional moodiness (sorry Zach!!). Haha pregnancy ain't always pretty, y'all.

Happy or moody?  Both? Haha I can be super happy and chill one minute and crying the next. Crazy pregnant brain!!

Looking forward to?  Beginning the second trimester! Woohoo! 


  1. More!! More! I hope you're not too sick :/ that jank is the worst... One time, the cable guy was over and I had to cut him off mid sentence and run to the bathroom to puke. It was awkward. And telling that story so randomly is also awkward.. Eh hem. Anywhey...

    1. Hahaha I remember you telling me that story. Ugh it's the worst. I was pretty sick for a couple of weeks, but I got some pills for it and I'm all better :) I'm definitely liking the second trimester wayyy more!!

  2. The pills!!!! Seriously, modern medicine is the best. Zofran is the reason I am still alive! I am SO glad you are feeling better!!
