God Always Comes First

It seems like this is always the busiest time of year! With midterms the past few weeks, trips to Utah coming up, and the holidays in full swing, it seems like there's always something nagging at me in the back of my mind, reminding me of something I should be doing. Last friday, Zach and I had a much needed relaxing date night where we did all of our Favorite things (it was our "F" Date!). We had tacos for dinner because it's my favorite food. Then we made a funfetti cake since that's Zach's favorite dessert! Then we settled in for the night and watched some of our favorite tv shows (How I Met Your Mother and Smallville). It was so nice since I'd been studying my butt off for midterms and hadn't had a chance to just relax with my hubby all week. 

Sometimes when life gets busy, it's easy to become distracted and to forget the things that matter most. Lately, I've found that it's important now, more than ever, to put Christ in the center of my life. There are so many things that I need and want to do everyday! I want to read books! I want to go holiday shopping! I want to do pinterest projects! But I also need to do my homework. I need to go to work everyday. I need to clean our apartment. All of these things and more fill my mind every minute of everyday. And for some reason, almost every spare moment I have seems to be spent on facebook or pinterest or watching tv.

Where does the gospel of Jesus Christ fit into this supposedly busy lifestyle?

As most of you know, Zach and I are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka Mormons). One of my favorite things about this church is that we, as members, are expected to live the gospel everyday and make it an integral part of our lives. Besides going to church for three hours every Sunday, we are expected to hold a Family Home Evening every monday night where we discuss gospel principles in our homes, read scriptures and say prayers everyday personally and with our families, serve in callings within our wards and stakes, do missionary work throughout the world, attend the temples regularly, watch a general conference semiannually, and so much more. But all of these programs and institutions within the church are just the beginning of how our dedication and discipleship should and could be.

When I was young, I was taught the gospel of Jesus Christ by my mom and dad and by my church leaders. I listened and learned and began to understand what it meant to be a Mormon. But my testimony of this gospel came little by little as I learned to recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit. This is the starting point and the key to becoming a dedicated disciple of the Savior. All of the things that we are expected to do as members of the church are designed to help us to feel the spirit and to help others feel the spirit as well. Once we have felt that burning in our heart and that joy in our soul, there's no going back. We know there is a God and we know that we are His children and we know that there is a purpose to our lives. We begin to gain a testimony and with that testimony we no longer seek to defy our God. Serving Him and returning to Him become are deepest desires.

If throughout our busy lives we let our distractions keep us from what matters most, we will stop doing those things that bring the Holy Spirit into our lives. Instead of reading our scriptures, we will spend a couple hours on facebook. Instead of holding Family Home Evening, we will watch the latest episode of our favorite tv show. Instead of saying a prayer, we will gossip with our friends and family members. When we don't make time for the Spirit, we are making time for Satan to enter our lives.

Sometimes it seems like we never have enough time in our day to get everything done and that may be true for some people! But I promise you that if you make a special effort to do those things that will bring the spirit into your hearts and into your homes, you will have the time to get everything done. As President Ezra Taft Benson said, "When we put God first, all other things fall into place." 

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