finley | ten months

How did we get to this point? Our little baby will be a whole year old in just a couple months! Finley (or "Finners") is sooooo much fun. She is so smart and so sweet. She's not the cuddliest or the smiliest baby, but she is full of personality and loves to laugh and act silly. She is my little buddy who loves to follow me around the apartment and she's never happier than when daddy comes home at the end of the day. She honestly is just the best baby ever. I don't know how we got so lucky!

Weight: As of her 9 month appointment, she was at 17 lbs. 4 oz. (33rd percentile) and she has just been growing, growing, growing lately so I'd say she's probably almost at 18 lbs now. Hooray! That's about triple her birth weight!

Height: Again, at her last appointment she was at 27.5 inches (40th percentile) so probably still somewhere in that range. 

Hair: It seems like her head is taking a little break from growing hair haha. It was growing quite a bit for a while, but it seems to have kind of hit a plateau or something. She's still got a good amount of dirty blonde hair on top though. 

Eating: Finley is a great eater. She loves almost all kinds of solid foods and does a great job feeding herself finger foods. She especially loves her cheesy puffs (they basically look like baby cheetos to me haha). We love giving her tastes of what we're eating everyday and seeing her cute reactions. We're also really looking forward to no more formula in a few months!!

Sleeping: Still sleeping great! She sleeps from about 7 to 7 every night and it is the best! Naps have been pretty good too, but I can tell she'll be going to just one nap a day before too long. Don't know how I'm going to handle that (I confess I love nap time maybe just a smidge too much sometimes!).

Talking: She loves to talk! Her favorite things to say right now are "mamamama" and "dadadada," which we just can't get enough of!!!

Likes: Finley loves to explore and get into all sorts of mischief! She loves to open the DVD drawer, play with the door stoppers, pull all the books off the bookshelf, and empty all the contents of mommy's diaper bag! Thankfully, Finley is very obedient and if we give her a stern look and a warning, she goes and finds something else to do. She also loves to laugh and sing with mommy and daddy and loves to look at and play with her books. 

Dislikes: We're learning that Finley is very shy and easily overwhelmed by new experiences. She takes a while to warm up to things. She does NOT like swimming and she gets a little freaked out when lots of other babies are around. Guess it's time to get her in a play group! 

Milestones: She knows how to crawl with tummy off the ground and she's pulled herself up to standing a few times, but at this point prefers to just kneel. She also got her first tooth at nine months and went on her first flight to North Carolina!

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