magnolia market | waco tx

A while back I finally sat down and watched Fixer Upper on Netflix. I love HGTV and home decor and I'd heard nothing but great things about this famous couple from Waco, so it was a no brainer that I should start watching this show! Turns out it's popular for a reason! I love Joanna Gaines' interior design style and her husband Chip is hilarious. Needless to say I've seen every episode now!

When I found out they had a big store in downtown Waco, I knew that I'd have to visit sometime--especially because it's only an hour and twenty minutes from my house! My mom is a big Fixer Upper fan too, so we decided that we were finally going to take the opportunity to go up this summer.

So yesterday my parents came out to Austin and picked up Zach, Finley, and me and we all drove up to Waco. We stopped at Torchy's Tacos (a Texas classic) for lunch first where we immediately saw Clint, Chip and Joanna's main carpenter! I initially saw him outside the restaurant talking to some people and thought he looked a bit familiar. I then looked him up on my phone and realized that it was totally him! I was too shy and embarrassed to go talk to him, but I still thought it was pretty cool and random that he had gone to Torchy's at the same time and on the same day as us. We were planning on going to his shop later, but we ended up running out of time. 

After lunch we headed over to Magnolia Market, Chip and Joanna's shop. It's located right next to these huge silos and it is all decorated in a very Joanna way. My mom and I loved it! They even had this really cute grassy area in the center of the complex where little kids can play frisbee or guys can throw around a football. There was a lot of construction going on since they're in the process of building a bakery right next to the shop, but we got around that easily and were able to enjoy the store (and the air conditioning!) inside. 

The shop was absolutely beautiful and there were so many things I would have loved to put in my home! It was like the home section of Anthropologie on steroids! Honestly, a lot of the items were super expensive (like $80 for a picture frame expensive....), but I did come away with a few things that I love.

Sign in front of the bakery under construction

Once we were finished shopping and oohing and aahing over everything we thought it might be fun to go see the bed and breakfast that Chip and Joanna renovated and have opened for people to stay in. It was in a little town called McGregor about 20 minutes west of downtown Waco. The drive out was pretty, but after being out in the hot, hot sun all afternoon and with a grumpy, tired baby in the car, it definitely wasn't worth it. The bed and breakfast was pretty and I loved being able to see a few houses that Chip and Joanna have renovated (they also did the house on the right for the managers of the bed and breakfast to live in), but I probably wouldn't recommend driving all the way out there just to see it haha. 

It was definitely a fun day and I would love to go back another time (probably without the guys... haha they hated it)! So if you're ever in Austin and you're a Fixer Upper fan I'd love to take you up to Waco to check out the sites!

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