Finley | Eighteen Months

This girl. Let me tell you about this girl. Finley has become my very best little friend. She is so much fun. She is adventurous. She is charismatic. She is funny. She is cuddly. She is so smart. I watch her play all day long and am always in complete awe that my baby knows how to do so many things! She has become very sociable and loves getting out of the house and meeting new people. She recently started nursery and she has done so well! She loves playing with the other kids and having a class to go to now during church. She is just a full blown toddler now and Zach and I are having a blast watching her discover the world.

We literally can't get enough of our Finley!!

Weight: Currently at 22 lbs 2 oz (42nd percentile)

Height: Now 32 inches tall (50th percentile)

Hair: Finley's hair has been growing so much the past few months! We can now put her hair in the cutest tiny pig tails which makes me happy because now everyone knows she's a girl! 

Teeth: She's been a bit late to the teething party. She didn't get her first tooth until 9 months and quickly got her other three front teeth last summer. She then didn't get anymore teeth until 16 months when she got a molar! She's gotten two more molars in the past month and it has been very difficult. Lot's of screaming. But hopefully she'll get her last molar in this set soon and we can have another break from teething for a while?

Eating: Finley is totally a bread girl. She would eat it for every meal of the day if she could! And we've finally got her transitioned from the bottle to a sippy cup! She's pretty picky sometimes and loves to throw her food on the floor so we've always got a good supply of her favorite foods on hand! Her favorites include scrambled eggs, peas, grilled cheese, bananas, string cheese, avocado, sweet potato, apples, and mac n cheese. 

Sleeping: Finley's a pro sleeper. She sleeps from 7:30 pm to about 7:45 am every night and takes one hour-ish long nap a day. 

Talking: Still not talking too much! The main words she says are mama, dada, and hi! She loves saying hi to everyone when we're out and about. It's the cutest. 

Likes: Finley is super into music. She lights up whenever music is playing. She particularly loves old classic movie musicals. Her favorites are The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, Singin' in the Rain, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It's funny because she doesn't like it when we play cartoon disney movies or anything. She just likes to see real people singing and dancing all the time. She also loves to dance and has this great one armed chicken dance move that is just hilariously adorable. Other likes include going on walks with mommy and brushing everyone's hair. 

Dislikes: Finley likes to be the center of attention sometimes. And she doesn't like being in her high chair for too long. She's really good at letting us know what she does and does not want :) 

Milestones: Learned how to walk at about 14 months old, went down to one nap at 15 months, dropped the bottle at 17 months, and entered nursery at 18 months! 

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