feeling good

Just a little list of things that are making me oh so happy at the moment:

- It's officially spring time and the weather is beautiful!
- The gorgeous Texas wildflowers are in bloom.
- Finley officially sleeps all through the night AND on her own in the crib for all of her naps!! And those naps are lasting longer than a freaking half hour!! Huzzah!
- Finley is also up to the 22nd percentile for weight!
- I'm back on anxiety meds after being off them for over a year and I'm finally feeling calm. :)
- Tax refunds (woot woot!!). 
- Zach and I finally started watching Downton Abbey. We are loving it!
- Discovering that the Salvation Army two minutes from our house has the best furniture selection ever.
- I've been updating some of our home decor and LOVING how it's turning out.
- S'more Cereal... you gotta try it. Zach and I are obsessed. And getting very fat :D
- Looking forward to Finley's first Easter this weekend! 
- And General Conference next weekend at my parent's house!
- Speaking of my parents, they came to visit one day last week and it was so much fun. I love living fairly close to them. Such a blessing! 
- New Anthropologie candles burning (Boulangerie "Lavender Shortbread" & Capri Blue "Volcano").
- Finally after 23.5 years I'm learning how to French braid my own hair!
- So many friends are getting pregnant or delivering their babies! (Definitely not baby hungry yet though! Not for a long while.)
- Watching "Cooked" on Netflix! If you haven't watched this documentary yet, you should! It has totally changed the way I look at cooking.
- Continuing to learn how to use my camera and starting to feel more adventurous with it!
- Plants.
- And, of course, my Zachary always makes me happy.

Happy Spring!!