baby girl update

I can't believe I'm 24 weeks pregnant! Only 16 more weeks to go! It feels like my pregnancy is totally flying by now. This summer is going to have come and gone before we know it! 

As I said earlier, at our anatomy ultrasound at 20 weeks, we found out that our little girl has SUA (Single Umbilical Artery)--meaning she only has one artery in her umbilical cord rather than the regular two. My doctor referred us to a specialist so that we could make sure that her heart and kidneys had formed correctly since they are both formed at the same time as the umbilical cord. We met with the specialist on the 29th of April and they were able to get the majority of the information they needed. But baby girl was being super stubborn and would not move into the right position for them to do a fetal echocardiogram. She was looking good, but they couldn't say that everything was 100% fine without the echo. So we scheduled another appointment for the 20th of May for them to do the echo. So we went in this week and AGAIN she would not move into the right position!! The specialist said that we win the award for the world's most stubborn baby! It was extremely frustrating. And again they weren't able to do the echo. But they did say that her heart and kidneys are looking perfect and everything else about her is perfect as well. We mostly just need to do the echo as an added precaution. So we have another appointment scheduled in two weeks and we'll be praying that she's in the right position!!

SUA can also make our little girl a bit smaller than normal since having only one artery can make it difficult for her to get all of the nutrients that she needs. Because of this we now have ultrasounds at every appointment so that they can monitor her growth. Right now she is in the 16th percentile for weight at 1 pound, 4 ounces. If she continues to progress this way, they predict she will be a 6 1/2 pound baby. That may not sound too small, but to me it seems really tiny!! We'll see if that ends up being accurate! We were also told that at this point, I will be having my baby no later than 39 weeks. I'm definitely okay with that! 

I was pretty stressed out about all of this when we first found out last month, but with every appointment and every ultrasound, I'm feeling more and more calm. We haven't been given any reason to worry so far! We love our little girl so much (even if she is a bit stubborn) and just can't wait to snuggle her once she gets here! We've been busy making lots of preparations and we even picked out a name! We're still keeping it a bit of a secret so stay tuned!!


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  2. KarlyMay 24, 2015 at 7:56 PM
    I am just checking in on your blog, and I wish I had come by sooner!! How scary all this must've been!! But I'm glad that she is looking good still!! We will definitely be keeping you guys and especially lil Lady Athans in our prayers!! Gideon's always been below the 20th percentile, so they will be the perfect match! ;) We love you guys! Cannot wait for this perfect little girl!!
