Life Lately

Merry (almost) Christmas everyone! I thought I'd give you all just a little life update today to let you know what the two of us have been up to lately! Enjoy!

- is continuing to enjoy his job at HP!
Can you believe he's already been working there for three months?!?
- He enjoys spending time with his co-workers during
and outside of work, and from what he tells me, he sounds like the life
of the party everyday!
(but let's be real, Zach's the life of the party, always)
- He is really excited to go home to North Carolina
next week for our Christmas vacation!
- And he is really, really excited to see his dog, Tazie haha.
I swear he screams, "We get to see Tazie so soon!!!" like everyday.
- He's been studying the Articles of Faith in great detail
during his daily scripture study.
- He is literally the sweetest husband in the whole world
and treats me like a princess everyday.

- been enjoying being a homemaker and 
getting into the Christmas spirit!
- still getting used to living in Austin and loving how close we live to everything!
Seriously, everything you could possibly want is within a 20 minute radius
of our apartment!
- I've really gotten into blogging recently and I'm 
crazy obsessed with blog design.
- Starting to get more health conscious and seriously considering taking
a yoga class in 2015!
- Excited to get away for a bit and spend time with family in North Carolina.
We haven't been back there since we first got married,
so it's definitely time!
- Have been trying to get into a better day-to-day routine!
It's so hard when no one's forcing you to get out of bed in the morning haha.

- We've been called to team teach a primary class starting in January!
We're so excited to teach the little sunbeams in our ward.
- We've been watching Once Upon a Time and Star Wars together.
- We've also gotten back into reading books together
and we're currently reading "A Christmas Carol."
- One of our new year's resolutions for 2015 is to get back
on those ABC Dates and to get out of the house more!
- We just found out we'll be gaining another nephew (#4)
this May! Thanks Andrew and Ashley!
- We continue to love each other more and more everyday!

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