Apartment #2

I cannot believe we've already lived in Austin for a whole month! It seriously has flown by! Looking back, it was a pretty quick and simple move for us. It took no time at all to unpack and everything just seemed to have a place right away! I absolutely LOVE our new apartment. We formed so many great memories in our apartment back in Rexburg, and it will always hold a special place in our hearts as our first home together. But we knew that in our second apartment, we were looking for a bit of a step up, and boy did we get that! 

Some things we now have that we didn't before: 
- a dishwasher
- a washer and dryer
- air conditioning (a must here in Texas!!!)
- double vanities
- walk in closets (one for each of us!!)
- cable TV
- gated community
- nice balcony

There are definitely a few kinks in the apartment, but overall, we are feeling very blessed and very comfortable in our new place! It's also a huge plus that our apartment is across the street from Zach's office, meaning he can walk to work from time to time. 

I've had tons of fun decorating this apartment. We have huge windows in the living room and dining room that bring a light airy feel to the whole place. I knew I wanted to change up the color scheme in our living room from lots of reds and browns to black and white and gold. It all worked out because I was able to use a lot of the red stuff in our second bedroom where we now have a beautiful wood trundle bed that Zach's parents brought for us all the way from North Carolina (along with a gorgeous matching dresser that we're using in our bedroom right now)! 

Being married has really helped me to realize how much I love decorating a space. It's just so much fun coming up with a color scheme and finding little things to pull the room together. I think I'm just about done decorating for a while, which Zach is very happy about haha! Now I can relax and enjoy making new memories with Zach in our own little slice of Austin. 

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