Our Summer 2014 So Far

Oh wow it's been forever since I've written a post! I'll try to catch everyone up on what's been going on with Zach and I the best I can!! Here's been our Summer 2014 so far:

Zachary has been taking his last two classes for his undergrad, which means that he will officially be done with school in two weeks! He's also been working hard as a Business Analyst intern on campus, so he's usually gone from 8:00-5:00 Mondays through Fridays :(. THANKFULLY, he will come home for lunch in the middle of the day so I get an extra hour with him before he has to go back to work in the afternoons. I'm really grateful that Zach loves his job and is such a hard worker and is willing to provide for me. He makes me real happy. Zach has also been doing lots and lots of applying/networking/interviewing for jobs all over the country. Nothing has popped up yet, but I know it's just a matter of time! I'm seriously not being biased at all when I say that Zach is a very impressive worker! 

Since I graduated in April, I have been really focused on becoming a really great housewife! It's a lot harder than it looks! Once I've cleaned up around the house, run errands, and planned out all our meals, it can be really difficult to find things that fill up all of my time! If I wanted to, I could stay in my pajamas all day (and I've totally done that at times). I've talked to my mom and sisters about this and they have told me that this is very similar to what I will be dealing with when I become a mother. Obviously, it will be a bit different once I have children because I'll be busy taking care of them, but there will still be many moments of down time where I'll have to fill my time with good things! I'm really grateful for the opportunity that I've had to think about who I am and how I want to spend my time. One thing that I've really been getting into (besides watching lots of netflix, of course!!) is playing around with make-up more! I've always loved doing my make-up, but I now have more time to watch lots of beauty tutorials online, try out new products, and focus more on my skincare. It's something that I've really come to love and that I want to learn more about!

In June, Zach and I had two weddings to attend: one for his cousin Kyle in Salt Lake, and one for my cousin Aubrey in American Fork. It was really fun because it was the first time Zach and I had been to a wedding since our own. We loved being able to attend the sealings in the temple and to be reminded of how we felt on our wedding day (can you believe it's almost been a year already?!?). My parents came into town for Aubrey's wedding so it was really nice that we were able to see them again so soon. 

For the Fourth of July, Zach's old mission companion, Luke, came up for the weekend with his wife, Wendy. We started the day off by going to Bear World, which is a park about 20 minutes away from where we live where you can see all sorts of cool animals like bears, of course, elk, moose, deer, and wolves (although we didn't see any of the wolves.. bummer.) We had to stay in our car most of the time, but at one point a great big black bear came right up to our car and we thought it was going to climb up the windshield! It was really funny! We also got to pet and feed goats, chickens, deer, baby fawns, and ducks and swans while we were there. 

So much fun! Then we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch so that we could watch the World Cup game, Brazil vs. Argentina (Zach and Luke served their missions in Brazil). Then we got some ice cream and relaxed and played games in the shade until the fireworks started. The next day we drove up to Mesa Falls, my favorite place ever!! It was a beautiful day and it was nice hanging out by the waterfall and enjoying the sunshine. 

A few hours later, they left. We definitely had a lot of fun with them!

Now for the biggest news!! WE ARE MOVING!! Here's the story:

Like I said, Zach has been looking for a job for a while now. At the beginning of the semester in April, I wasn't too worried that he still hadn't found a job yet because we felt like we had a lot of time left. As each month went by though, the panic started to settle in more and more. What were we going to do if Zach finished school up in July and we had no job and no where to go? Because Zach is working on campus, his job would expire as soon as he officially graduated so we would be left with no income. We really didn't know what we were going to do. But when we saw my parents in June, they offered to let us come live with them in Houston once school was over if Zach still didn't have a job. At first, I was very surprised, but grateful. But I will be honest that it was difficult for both Zach and I to accept. At that point, we still had hope that something would work out soon for Zach. But as the weeks went by and we realized we had less than a month left with a job here in Rexburg, we realized we needed to start making plans. So a few weeks ago, we officially decided that we would take my parents up on their offer and move in with them once school was over.

So we are officially moving to Houston, Texas for a few months until Zach finds a job! We are both very excited now to move on to our next adventure and for the opportunity we have to spend more time with my parents, my brother, and Zach's aunt and uncle, who also live in Houston! This definitely isn't what we were expecting to be doing, but we know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us and that this is the right thing for us to do right now! We will officially be moving down to Texas in less than two weeks!! Exciting!

So that's what's new with the Athans right now! I promise I'll do a better job of updating in the future! Haha :)

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